日期:2012-05-09 17:27:32 浏览次数:次
球阀(Q-F)常用标准:NF E29-350-2003 industrial valves. Steel ball valve, ball valve and check valve closing
NF E29-466-1987 industrial valves. Rotary valve. Brass ball valve. Norms
NF E29-354-2003 industrial valves. Cast Iron Ball Valve
NF E29-465-1986 industrial valves. Rotary valve. Copper ball valve. Norms
NF D36-406-2004 buildings with valves. Building drinking water with copper alloy and stainless steel ball hand. Trials and requirements of the
NF E29-335-2003 oil and gas industry with the size of DN 100 and smaller steel gate valve, ball valve and check valve
NF E29-139-1998 gas installations in buildings and dead ball by hand at the end of taper cock
BS EN 13709-2003 industrial valves. Steel ball valve, ball valve and check valve closing
BS EN 13789-2003 industrial valves. Cast Iron Ball Valve
原文:NF E29-350-2003 工业用阀.钢制球阀、球状截止阀和止回阀
NF E29-466-1987 工业阀门.旋转阀.黄铜球阀.规范
NF E29-354-2003 工业用阀.铸铁球阀
NF E29-465-1986 工业阀门.旋转阀.铜铝球阀.规范
NF D36-406-2004 建筑物用阀.建筑物内饮用水给水用手动铜合金和不锈钢球阀.试验和要求
NF E29-335-2003 石油和天然气工业用尺寸为DN 100及更小的钢闸阀、球阀和止回阀
NF E29-139-1998 建筑物气体装置用手工操作球阀和死底锥形旋塞
BS EN 13709-2003 工业用阀.不锈钢球阀、球状截止阀和止回阀
BS EN 13789-2003 工业用阀.铸铁球阀